Thomas Feichtner

Thomas Feichtner’s roots go back to the Brazilian city of Vitória. He spent his school years in Germany and later in Austria where he graduated from the College of Arts and Industrial Design. After finishing his studies, he opened his own design studio. At the forefront of his work are artistic aspects and an experimental approach to design. Thomas Feichtner seeks to follow an independent working style remote from globalisation and mass production. His works have been accepted into various design collections. Thomas Feichtner is a professor for industrial design at the College of Arts in the German town of Kiel and in 2011, he won the Austrian National Design Award.

For TON, he designed the TRAM chair.

  • COMPANY (주)에프엠가구 라운지
  • 대표 임행택
  • E-mail
  • CS CENTER 02-6956-9293
  • MALL ORDER LICENSE 2018-서울강남-03932 [사업자정보확인]
  • BUSINESS LICENSE 195-85-00950
  • ADDRESS (06313) 서울특별시 강남구 양재대로 333(개포동) 플롯

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